Fitchburg Updates 3.8.2021

2021 is well underway and I'm 10 months into my term as an alder. I genuinely enjoy this job and it's truly a privilege to do this work. I look forward to continuing this newsletter and my blog. Now that I'm more settled, I'm hoping to bring you some new types of blog posts and content this year, including issue focused posts and tools to help you better understand how the city functions and what your taxes pay for. Please reach out if you have an idea!

Keep an eye on public transportation

We are facing serious decisions about public transportation in the city of Fitchburg in the near future. Costs to run bus lines in Fitchburg through Madison Metro are likely to rise in the coming years, but fortunately, federal funding will keep prices consistent through at least 2023. The city needs feedback from residents.

Please join us to give your feedback on the bus system:

  1. Public Hearings on Fitchburg Public Transportation

  2. How can bus access to parks be improved? Fill out this survey from Sierra Club and Dane County Parks to weigh in.

Addressing climate change

A few updates on how Fitchburg is addressing climate change.

  1. Funds added to the Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Fund!

    • On February 23, the council unanimously passed my proposal to add $20,000 to this fund by rolling over gasoline savings from 2020!

    • I wrote about this last year when it was added to the CIP. This fund is designated to pay for additional upfront costs to purchase a hybrid or eclectic vehicle, above what may be budgeted for a gas powered vehicle.

    • I hope to continue adding more funds each year.

    • Read more in the Fitchburg Star

  2. Fitchburg Energy Plan Presentation by Sustainability Specialist Phil Grupe

    • Watch this fabulous to presentation to see how far Fitchburg has come and how far we have to go

    • Watch

    • Read the reports

  3. We are 2020 Climate Champions!

    • Fitchburg has been recognized as a climate champion. Four sites in Fitchburg were recognized, inlcuding:

      • East & West Fire Stations

      • Fitchburg Library

      • Byrne Pond Retrofit

    • Read more in the Fitchburg Star

Election Day is coming up soon!

We will have a spring election every year in Fitchburg from here on out, and you will always have at least one race (alder seat) on your ballot.

Important Updates

  • COVID Vaccinations at Fitchburg Family Pharmacy

  • Hiring a new City Administrator

    • We are currently accepting applications for this position.

    • Read more.

  • Road Construction Information Meetings

    • Watch 2021 Fish Hatchery Road Phase 2 Public Meeting

    • Watch 2021 Syene Road Reconstruction Public Meeting

    • Watch Lacy Road Reconstruction Public Meeting

  • Meijer will not build store on McKee Road


I'm proud of my budget amendments that were passed last year in November. Here are a few things I'm excited about:

  1. USGS monitoring station to protect the Waubesa Wetlands in Swan Creek.

    • We've already signed agreements with partners that are helping fund the station with us, including USGS and the Town of Dunn.

  2. More funding for planting native plants for storm water management

  3. Part time horticulturist to support our city forester

  4. NEW community wellbeing fund. 3.5% of the revenue collected by the city through fines and forfeitures will be routed into a fund to be reinvested in the community. I hope to increase this contribution in future years.

  5. You can see all the results on the blog.

I hold a second four leaf clover world record!

I recently got confirmation that I officially hold my second Guinness World Record for the "Most four leaf clovers collected in one hour" with 451 clovers. My first record is "Most four leaf clovers collected in 8 hours" with 887 clovers.

The Fitchburg Star was kind enough to do an article about it, which you can read here.

If you're curious, you can find out much more about my clover hobby on my website.


Election, Endorsements & Vaccine Info


Results: 2021 Budget Amendments