Alder Maldonado Budget Amendment Message

Below is a guest post on budget amendments by District 1 Alder Joe Maldonado. For more information on all the amendments, click here.

Hello all,

I hope you are all hanging in there and sure many of you are keeping an eye on the election results!

I wanted to thank you all for your constant engagement on city issues and advocacy for a better community. You energize and motivate me consistently!

I am writing to ask for your support in passing budget amendments 3-8, 15, and 16 to the 2021 Budget. This summer the Council voted to include funding to a) purchase the former Roughing It In Style building and b) conduct a community engagement study; in the establishment of a Teen Center in Fitchburg.


  • Local Data

    • Jamestown is one of three areas identified within Fitchburg's Healthy Neighborhood Initiative.

      • The HNI Strategic Plan (adopted in 2019) recommends neighborhoods in which residents have an "adequate and foundational education", includes "out of school educational based activities, programs, and services per priority neighborhood" as an indicator.

    • In the Anton Drive Study (adopted in 2017), the City of Fitchburg supports the use of a future public space for a community center in this neighborhood.

  • Regional/County Studies

    • Several regional studies, including the Dane County Youth Assessment and the Roadmap to Equity, stress the need for out of school spaces for older youth to prevent risk factors (mental health, substance abuse, crime) and provide protective factors (academic achievement.

  • Public Support


    • The Pandemic has widened the opportunity gap, particularly around mental health, academic achievement, and social emotional development, and that gap affects our most vulnerable families the hardest. Positive Youth Development is critical to addressing these needs. Socially distanced programming will serve our highest need youth.


  • Most ideal option: Speak at the Common Council Meeting 11/10 at 7:30 pm in support of Budget Amendments 3-8, 15, and 16

    • In person: Go to City Hall Council Chambers, sign up to speak (3 minute limit)

    • Virtual: Email and request a link to attend and leave public comment (3 minute limit)

  • Second option: Email council& and urge them to support Amendments 3-8, 15, 16. While your comments will not be read in full, you will be named as supportive.

  • Talking Points:

    • Name and address

    • Your role as a stakeholder (parent, teacher, resident, mentor, professional, person with resources, potential volunteer)

    • Why these amendments are important (in your own words)

      • Teen Center Building - A space that we can use now, close to a large number of youth, many organizations willing to serve youth

      • Community Engagement Study - will allow us to understand the best/most relevant use and design of the space, hear what teens and families want, what programming and organizations should be available

    • Why now is the time and why we should not wait

    • Reiterate your support for the amendments

Thank you again for your support. Please reach out with any questions.

Joe Maldonado
City of Fitchburg
Alder District 1
(414) 339-4574

Alder Maldonado’s Amendments

  • #3 Reduce Public Works Equipment Replacement (Maldonado)— Read & Watch

  • #4 Reduce Plow Fleet Replacement Fund (Maldonado)— Read & Watch

  • #5 Reduce Bike Roundabout Repair Project (Maldonado)— Read & Watch

  • #6 Reduce Parking Lot Resurfacing (Maldonado)— Read & Watch

  • #7 Reduce City Campus Building Systems Replacement (Maldonado)— Read & Watch

  • #8 Reduce Police Fleet Vehicle Replacement Fund (Maldonado)— Read & Watch

  • #15 Reinstate Purchase of Building for Fitchburg Teen Center (Maldonado)— Read & Watch

  • #16 Add Community Engagement Study for Teen Center Year 1 of 2 (Maldonado)— Read & Watch


Alder Arata-Fratta Budget Amendment Message


Budget amendment final vote on 11/10/20